Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leftovers put to good use

All this is from the week of the 17th. =)
I brought lots of sauces and chicken, etc home from the restaurant that would have gone bad. One of the ladies made roasted tomato salsa and I used it on a variety of things here. We also had many things that we got from the farmer's market the week before, like fresh fruit, veggies and local eggs.

For dinner I had shredded chicken salad with the roasted tomato salsa,and I sauteed yellow squash, red potato, red onion and celery in some olive oil, honey, ketchup and a variety of spices. Tasty! (Although it didn't really go well with my mexican flavored chicken salad.)

This lunch of mustard tuna salad, a light pasta salad with spinach, cherry tomatoes and tomato salsa, and Israeli cantaloupe salad with plain yogurt, blueberries, local honey, and poppyseeds.

A gooood breakfast: leftover honey jalepeno grit cake with 2 poached local eggs, local peaches and blueberries. Grits are one of my new old favorite foods. So addicting.

Breakfast for dinner! Scrambled eggs (1 whole egg, plus 1 white) with spinach, onion, garlic and tomatoes, and a black bean corn avocado salad on the side with the same roasted tomato salsa on the side.

Lunch of pesto chicken salad, carrots with white bean puree and a few tortilla chips.

Dinner of spinach salad with carrots, corn, black beans, chicken, tomatoes and a vinaigrette.

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